A. It is a surgical day case procedure where energy device is used with aim to destroy lining of the womb.
A. You would have been advised this as a management of heavy periods if other options (medications/hormonal pill or coil) have been unsuccessful or not suitable.
A. Yes, this procedure is not contraceptive and therefore reliable contraceptive precautions should be taken. You should only have this procedure if your family is complete and you do not intend to get pregnant in future.
A. Heavy bleeding, damage to uterus or surrounding organs. Further surgery might be needed if complication happens.
A. You might experience period type cramps for few days after the procedure. You should feel like your normal self within two to three days. The light vaginal bleeding (or pink discharge) might last for few weeks. To reduce the risk of infection avoid using tampons around this time. Within two to three months, you'll notice that your periods are lighter. You may even stop having periods altogether.
A. If you experience heavy bleeding, severe pain, fever or smelly vaginal discharge please get in touch. You will be provided with contact details before discharge.